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ARTICLE I – Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name. The name of the organization is MINNESOTA EMPLOYEE RELOCATION COUNCIL. The authorized abbreviation of the name of the organization is MERC.

Section 2. Purpose. The Minnesota Employee Relocation Council is a professional organization. The MERC objective is to:

  • Provide opportunities to exchange information and ideas.
  • Provide education opportunities for individuals involved in relocation.
  • Foster cooperation within the industry to meet the needs of relocation professionals, corporations, service providers, transferees and their families.

This organization is recognized as a 501 (c)(6) tax-exempt, non-profit organization.

ARTICLE II – Membership

Section 1. Eligibility. Regular membership in the organization shall be open to all organizations and individuals who meet the eligibility requirements herein.

Members are defined as:

a)      Corporate members are those who are engaged in a corporation’s internal relocation function for purposes of transferring their corporation’s employees.

b)      Service members are those who are directly involved in providing relocation products and/or services to the corporate relocation industry. Memberships shall be allocated between the “primary business activity” categories of service providers listed in Article II, Section 2.

c)       Retirees are those who are past MERC Corporate or Service members as aforementioned or are in transition and not presently receiving company pay.

Ultimate discretion with regard to membership application, rests with the Membership Committee in maintaining an equitable balance within the membership to best serve the purpose of the organization as described in Article I, Section 2.

The addition of new “primary business activity” categories of service providers shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board, upon recommendation by the Membership Committee. The Membership committee reserves the right to evaluate any documentation requested to substantiate compliance with eligibility requirements under any category of MERC membership.

Section 2. Categories.

Category I: Corporate members shall consist of company paid employees who meet the eligibility criteria described in Section 1.

Category II: Service members shall consist of company paid employees who meet the eligibility criteria described in Section I, whose primary business activity is:

a)      Real estate company with a Relocation Department/Manager

b)      Real estate appraisal company (national, professional; industry designations only)

c)       Household goods carrier

d)      Third-party relocation management company

e)      General inspection company

f)        Consulting organization who contracts with corporate relocation professionals on issues such as policy analysis, development, administration or cultural and family concerns

g)      Financial institution with a Relocation Department/Manager

h)      Interim living resource

i)         Destination services

j)         Other relocation-related service/product

Category III: Retirees may consist of past Corporate or Service members.

Section 3. Admission to Membership. Applications for regular memberships shall be made on-line and forwarded to the Membership Committee Chairperson(s). The application for membership can be obtained on the MERC Web Site located at The Membership Committee shall evaluate the eligibility for membership in accordance with the aforementioned categories and criteria. Membership shall become effective upon acceptance by the Membership Committee. Membership is subject to annual payment of dues within thirty (30) days of invoice and billed annually in December for the upcoming year.

Section 4. Members shall have the responsibility to maintain their own record and notify the Membership Chair(s) of any changes to their eligibility.

Section 5. Termination of Membership. Membership shall be deemed to be terminated if dues are not paid within thirty (30) days of invoice.

ARTICLE III – Meeting of Members

Section 1. Voting Rights. Each MERC member shall be entitled to vote on each matter submitted to the membership.

Section 2. Meeting Schedule. Meetings of members shall be held according to a schedule determined each calendar year. The meeting schedule will be posted on the MERC Web Site located at

Section 3. Notice of Meeting. Notices stating the place, day and time of any meeting of members shall be sent by e-mail to all members not less than seven (7) days before the date of such meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice.

Section 4. Quorum. A quorum is defined as a one-third full of all registered member companies. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, the meeting may be adjourned or voting on a scheduled matter may be delayed or canceled at the discretion of the President.

Section 5. Voting will be done electronically. When it is not expedient to call a vote of members, a vote by may be taken by the President or Secretary with the approval of two other Executive Committee members. Notice of the result shall be given to all member companies within thirty (30) days of completion of the vote.

ARTICLE IV – Officers      

Section 1. Officers. The officers of the organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. No two offices may be held at the same time by the same person.

Section 2. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the organization’s officers and the Chairperson(s) of the Annual Conference, Membership, Community Cares and Education Committees.

Section 3. Election and Term of Office. The officers of the organization shall be elected by e-mail ballot in the Spring. Each officer shall be elected for a term of two (2) years from May 1 thru April 30. The offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Chairperson(s) of the Annual Conference, Membership, Web Site, Community Cares and Education Committees shall be selected from both Corporate and Service members.  All registered members shall be entitled to vote for the Officer positions (President Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer).  The Chairperson(s) seats will be nominated and selected by the Officers of MERC (Annual Conference, Membership, Community Cares and Education Committee).  

Section 4. President (position cannot be shared). The President shall be the principal executive officer of the organization and shall in general manage all the business and affairs of the organization. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the members. The President may sign with the Secretary or any other proper office of the organization any contracts, leases or other instruments which the Executive Committee has authorized to be executed.

Section 5. Vice President (position cannot be shared). In the absence of the President or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President and when so acting shall have all powers of the President and be subject to the same restriction. The Vice President shall assist the Chairperson(s) of the Annual Conference.

Section 6. Treasurer (position cannot be shared). The Treasurer shall be in charge of the organization’s funds and records. As treasurer, he/she shall collect all member dues and assessments, shall have established proper accounting procedures for the handling of the organization’s funds and shall be responsible for the keeping of the funds in such bank as is approved by the Executive Committee. He/she shall report on the financial condition of the organization at all meetings and at other times when called upon by the President. At the expiration of his/her term of office he/she shall deliver over to his/her successor all MERC books, moneys and other property in his/her charge.

Section 7. Secretary (position cannot be shared). As Secretary of the organization, he/she shall be responsible for compiling meeting minutes, performing all duties incidental to the office of the Secretary and leading Communication Committee, which consists of registered members. This committee shall maintain and update the MERC web site located at to include such items as meeting dates, information on previous meetings, topics of interest and web site sponsorships. The committee shall be responsible for maintaining social media (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) and ensure photos are taken at MERC events and are added to social media.  The committee shall also be responsible for the MERC Annual Survey including creating content and sending to MERC members.

Section 8 Vacancy. The Board shall have the authority to fill any vacancy in any Office or any Directorship occurring through any cause other than expiration of the term of office.

ARTICLE V – Fiscal and Elective Year

Section 1. The fiscal year of the organization shall run from January 1 through December 31 inclusive. The elective year of the organization shall be from May 1 through April 30 inclusive.

ARTICLE VI – Committees

Section 1. Committee Members. Members shall be asked to volunteer for committees at the Annual Conference. The Conference Committee shall have sign-up sheets available at the registration table.

Section 2. Membership Committee. The Membership Chairperson(s) shall lead the Committee which consists of registered members. This committee shall meet regularly to ensure that membership guidelines are reflective of the needs of the organization which includes the education of new members as to MERC guidelines including the “no business solicitation at MERC meetings or functions”. The Membership Committee shall emphasize that there is a risk of losing membership if any solicitation is reported to the Membership Committee and investigation by that Committee confirms that this has occurred. The Membership Committee shall be responsible to maintain a complete and accurate membership list. The Chairperson(s) with assistance of the Communications Committee shall e-mail annual dues invoices to the primary contact of member organizations no later than December 30th of each year.

Section 3. Annual Conference Committee. The Annual Conference Chairperson(s) shall lead the Committee which consists of registered members. The Chairperson(s) shall work closely with the Chairperson(s) of other committee Chair(s) and the Vice President. Committee members are responsible for planning and presenting a local annual one-day meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be to provide a range of educational sessions of interest to members and other area relocation professionals.

Section 4. Education Committee. The Education Chairperson(s) shall lead the Committee which consists of registered members. This Committee shall plan and coordinate educational topics to be presented in conjunction with regularly scheduled member meetings.

Section 5. Community Cares Committee. The Community Cares Chairperson(s) shall lead the Committee which consists of registered members. This Committee shall be responsible for coordinating the charitable contributions and community involvement of MERC. This Committee shall be responsible for the annual Holiday Meeting typically held in December. The main focus of this Committee is to keep MERC focused on giving back to the communities that we work and live in.

ARTICLE VII – Dues and Fees

Section 1. Annual Dues. The amount of dues shall be established by the Executive Committee to cover reasonable expenses of the organization, maintaining the organizations non-profit status. Membership dues and conference fees shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Committee. Changes shall be implemented upon approval of the Executive Committee. Each member shall be responsible for payment of the dues.

ARTICLE VIII – Books and Records

Section 1. Books and Records. The organization shall keep correct and complete books and records of accounts and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its member representatives as well as keep a record giving all the names and addresses of all its member companies and their representatives.

ARTICLE IX – Checks, Deposits and Funds

Section 1. Checks, Drafts and Funds. All checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money shall be signed by the appropriate officer of the organization as determined by resolution of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Deposits. All funds of the organization shall be deposited in a timely manner to the credit of the organization in such banks as the Executive Committee may select.

ARTICLE X – Amendments to Bylaws.

Section 1. Procedure. These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and/or new Bylaws may be adopted by a majority of the registered member companies via on-line voting. An e-mail notice shall be provided to all member companies at least seven (7) days prior to a vote affecting the Bylaws.

Section 2. Notice. Bylaws shall be posted to the Website. The membership shall be notified within 60 days of any change to the Bylaws.

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MERC is 501 (c)(6) non profit organization  |  PO Box 582752  |  Minneapolis, MN 55458  |  Bylaws

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